1. Push-up to Pike Ankle Tap
This exercise comes in handy for people who find it hard to maintain a straight spine. It breaks the push up into two separate exercises by bending the knees. To perform this exercise, assume the push-up position on your mat or the floor with your arms apart at shoulder width. Secondly, lift your hips high enough to form an upside-down V with your body. After ensuring that your arms and legs are in the correct position, lower your body and bend your elbows until your head is almost touching the floor. Take a quick pause and push yourself back up to the original position.
2. Lateral Triple Knee
This exercise is excellent for increasing your heart rate and burning fat. Ensure that you focus on full arm pumps and high knees in each step.
3. Reverse Lunge with Front Kick
This exercise is essential for better control and maintenance of stability in the lower body. To do the reverse lunge and front kick, stand with your feet apart at the width of the hips. Position your hands in front of your face and fold them in fists. Take a step back to position yourself in a lunge while ensuring that your torso remains as upright as possible. While in this position, lower your body downwards until your knee is almost touching the floor. Raise your body back up and complete a front kick with the opposite leg. Repeat the same movement while alternating legs for reps.
4. Mountain Climber with Two Plank Jacks
As the name implies, this exercise combines a mountain climber with two plank jacks. You must, however, own the plank position throughout the workout to benefit from it. The exercise requires that you focus less on speed and more on the form.
5. Squat Jacks
Squat jacks focus on the overall tension of the body. They not only improve the structure of your quads and glutes but are also essential in increasing the heart rate and fat burning. To do a squat jack, stand with your feet as close together as possible, keeping your torso upright. Jump your feet wide apart and take the position of a sumo squat as you land. Bend your knees to 90 degrees as you take the squat, ensuring that your weight is focused on your glutes and heels. Continue this process until you complete your reps.
6. Squat Jacks with 180
To complete this squat, start with a deep squat with your legs spread out further than your shoulders. Put your right hand up with your left one down and twist your torso to the right. Jump up and spin 180 degrees with both of your hands over your head. Softly land back at the starting position and repeat the process in the opposite direction. Ensure that you initiate the turns with your hips rather than your head or chest.
7. Ab Tuck to Ab Toe Touch
This is a great exercise to incorporate into your routine, especially if you feel like hollow holds are no longer challenging enough. Ensure that you maintain a hollow position throughout the exercise.
8. Tuck Jumps
If you wish to build your muscle power, this exercise will be great for you. Ensure that you move as fast as possible to get the most out of this exercise.By incorporating these exercises into your routine, your work out should become more exciting and productive.
About the Author
Dave Mugavero is the owner of Custom Bodies Fitness in Irvine, California. He is extremely proud of his success as the top rated health club in Orange County. Dave has been in the fitness industry for over 24 years, and is widely considered by his peers to be a “Weight Loss Guru”. His extensive knowledge of nutrition, human physiology, personal training and weight loss techniques, and his caring commitment to each client are what make him an expert in his field. He has been a top ranked Natural Body Builder and highly sought after personal trainer and lecturer.