Chances are you have heard of the power of goal setting.
People who set goals are more likely to achieve significant results than those who simply, “work hard”.
Before you can start setting effective goals, you need to understand the types of goals out there.
What are Goals?
First things first, let’s take a look at the term “goals”. Many people think that a goal should be something earth-shattering and important. That goals should be include significant change in finances, achieving some massive success or changing society in some important way……This is not true.
Focus on one goal at a time
When it comes to setting a fitness goal, “one of the biggest mistakes is that people try to do too much at one time… pick one thing you want to crush—like, doing a pull-up, or completing your first-ever 5K—and channel your efforts into achieving that before exploring another goal.
Make it your own
It can be easy to scroll through the ‘gram and feel inspired-yet-envious by images of the super fit. Yet basing your own goals off of what you see others achieving is neither productive nor practical….. your goal should be your goal—something that you personally are excited about and realistically able to achieve—not someone else’s.
Make it measurable, specific and time-bound
Having a measurable goal allows your to track your progress, and the more specific your goal, the clearer the path to achieving it becomes. Wanting to “be stronger,” for example, is a great place to start, but what does that mean to you? Saying you want to increase the number of push-ups you can do makes the goal measurable, and saying you want to be able to do 20 push-ups in one minute makes it specific. On top of that, the goal should be time-bound, as this helps you focus your efforts, develop a more structured plan for actually achieving the goal, and creates a sense of urgency that can be motivating.
Be flexible in your definition of SUCCESS
Though it is important to make your goal specific, it’s also important to give yourself permission to alter it as you progress with your fitness journey. Perhaps a goal that seemed appropriately challenging at first is actually way too tough to maintain, or vice versa….If your definition of success is rigid, it will be hard to maintain. Set goals you think you can achieve and then modify them as you understand more what you are capable of. There's nothing wrong with moving the goal posts as you get more comfortable with your body's abilities.
About the Author
Dave Mugavero is the owner of Custom Bodies Fitness in Irvine, California. He is extremely proud of his success as the top rated health club in Orange County. Dave has been in the fitness industry for over 24 years, and is widely considered by his peers to be a “Weight Loss Guru”. His extensive knowledge of nutrition, human physiology, personal training and weight loss techniques, and his caring commitment to each client are what make him an expert in his field. He has been a top ranked Natural Body Builder and highly sought after personal trainer and lecturer.